Act IV: MEM Season 1 — a new milestone reached

MEMs are the visual memories of GNSS. These memories take on different influences, explore different themes, phases in time. Act IV opens up into Seasons, marking the start of new, unique chapters in our journey together. Season 1: Paint is an ongoing experience for GNSS holders.


The expansion of MEM into Seasons allows us to explore different aesthetics and artistic choices. Each Season offers a visual interpretation of a theme, helping GNSS try to make sense of their universe through visual memories — helping us question ours through this experience. 


MGXS has often used paint as a technique or texture to humanise artworks, in contrast with the hard metals and polished sheen of materials. In Season 1, paint reflects the human sensibility and influence in the GNSS world.

Act IV: Season 1 closes on 24 June 2024 at 5pm GMT to make way for a new season.


Bodies: mechanic sculptures of motion